I'm trying to write out lead sheets with section labels like you see on modern charts with a and b section labelled by a bold letter in a box. Is there a standardised way to do this in lilypond? I couldn't seem to find anything in the documentation
lilypond-user mailing list
Morning, Sean.
I use a template file as a basis for leadsheets, with variables for “The Head”, “The Chords”, “The Words”, such as:
TheHead = \relative c' {
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-letters
\clef "treble"
\key c \major
\time 4/4
% Put your own melody here
| c4 d e f
The following is the beginning of Royal Garden Blues (which would replace “| c4 d e f” above)...
| a'4 ^ \markup "Introduction" a bes8 c4 bes8
| a4 a bes8 c4 bes8
| a4 c d f
| g r4 c, r4 %\bar "||"
\repeat volta 2 {
\bar "|:"
| a4 a bes8 c4 bes8
| a4 a bes8 c4 bes8
| a4 a bes8 c4 bes8
| a4 f8 g~ g2
...which illustrates the use of \markup for an introduction and a rehearsal mark for the “A” section, which is displayed in a box.
Successive uses of \mark result in “B”, “C” etc. sections.
I have gleaned loads of helpful hints and sections of code from the list over the years, but have never reached what I regard as the definitive template for wider distribution! Happy to share “the story so far” off-list, if that would help.