Section labels
sean read
2018-11-14 09:09:41 UTC
I'm trying to write out lead sheets with section labels like you see on
modern charts with a and b section labelled by a bold letter in a box. Is
there a standardised way to do this in lilypond? I couldn't seem to find
anything in the documentation
Torsten Hämmerle
2018-11-14 09:27:13 UTC
Hi Sean,

A "section label" is called RehearsalMark in LilyPond.
These rehearsal marks are (by default) the capital letters A, B, C, …, but
they can be changed into consecutive numbers (1, 2, 3,...) or bar numbers.
With a box, a circle, or nothing around.

Cf. Rehearsal marks


Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html
Michael Hendry
2018-11-14 10:20:16 UTC
I'm trying to write out lead sheets with section labels like you see on modern charts with a and b section labelled by a bold letter in a box. Is there a standardised way to do this in lilypond? I couldn't seem to find anything in the documentation
lilypond-user mailing list
Morning, Sean.

I use a template file as a basis for leadsheets, with variables for “The Head”, “The Chords”, “The Words”, such as:

TheHead = \relative c' {
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-letters
\clef "treble"
\key c \major
\time 4/4
% Put your own melody here
| c4 d e f

The following is the beginning of Royal Garden Blues (which would replace “| c4 d e f” above)...

| a'4 ^ \markup "Introduction" a bes8 c4 bes8
| a4 a bes8 c4 bes8
| a4 c d f
| g r4 c, r4 %\bar "||"

\repeat volta 2 {
\bar "|:"
| a4 a bes8 c4 bes8
| a4 a bes8 c4 bes8
| a4 a bes8 c4 bes8
| a4 f8 g~ g2

...which illustrates the use of \markup for an introduction and a rehearsal mark for the “A” section, which is displayed in a box.

Successive uses of \mark result in “B”, “C” etc. sections.

I have gleaned loads of helpful hints and sections of code from the list over the years, but have never reached what I regard as the definitive template for wider distribution! Happy to share “the story so far” off-list, if that would help.

