Adding text to slurs
Pablo Cordal
2018-11-04 08:38:51 UTC
Hi to everyone from Spain,

I have got a special need with lilypond. I need to add text to slurs for
educational purposes, I'm a music teacher and I'd like to add information
to musical phrases. The code:

\version "2.18.2"
#(ly:set-option 'midi-extension "midi")
\header {}

\score {
\new Staff = "melody" {
\clef "treble"
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
\new Voice {
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
\override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #-4
\time 4/4

\set Score.currentBarNumber = #0
r2.^\markup { \column { \bold "The Beatles - Till there was you
(1950)" "A(16)" } } e'4(
\bar "|." g'4) r2 e'4( g'4) r2 e'4( g'4 f'4) r4 c''4(
g'4 f'4) r4 c'4( f'4 e'4 b'2 a'2) r2 c'2( g'2) r2. e'4(
\bar "||" \break
g'4) r2 e'4( g'4) r2 e'4( g'4 f'4) r4 c''4( g'4 f'4)
r4 c'4( f'4 e'4 b'2 a'2) r2 c'2( c'2) r1 \bar "|." \break
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #0
r2 c'2(^\markup { "B(8)" } \bar "|." d''2 c''2) r2
d''2( a'2 g'2 a'2 b'2) a'1( e'2 c'2 d'1) dis'1 \bar "|." \break
\layout { indent = #0 }

\markup {
\column {
\line { \hspace #1.0 }


I've checking the online manual and no info about this. Anybody can help
with this?

Best regards to all
Urs Liska
2018-11-05 10:05:46 UTC
Hi Pablo,
Post by Pablo Cordal
Hi to everyone from Spain,
I have got a special need with lilypond. I need to add text to slurs
for educational purposes, I'm a music teacher and I'd like to add
information to musical phrases.
I have recently written a function (with extensive help from this list)
that should be exactly what you need. It places a markup centered above
or below (depending on the direction) of a slur:

\version "2.19.82"

% "Annotate" a slur with a horizontally centered markup.
% The vertical position of the markup is determined both by
% (uses the greater of) the mozart.markup-staff-padding option and
% the min-padding argument.
% NOTE: As this function is an after-line-breaking callback it can't
% provide any collision handling for the added markup. This may result
% in collisions with other score elements, or it can cause the added
% markup to be cut off at the paper border. For the latter case the
% function \forceTopCropping from the paper-top-padding tool can be used.

annotatedSlur =
#(define-event-function (min-padding text)((number? 1) markup?)
"Create a slur with an attached markup."
-\tweak after-line-breaking
#(lambda (grob)
((dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
;; staff-padding from the options
(staff-padding (getOption '(mozart markup-staff-padding)))
;; The original slur stencil
(stencil (ly:slur::print grob))
;; A new stencil for the markup
(markup-stencil (grob-interpret-markup grob text))
;; Y-extent of the original slur for later reference
(slur-extent (ly:grob-property grob 'Y-extent))
;; total height of slur
(slur-height (- (cdr slur-extent) (car slur-extent)))
;; absolute distance of outer slur edge from middle staffline
(abs (if (> dir 0) (cdr slur-extent) (car slur-extent))))
;; Y-extent of the added markup stencil
(markup-extent (ly:stencil-extent markup-stencil Y))
;; total height of markup
(markup-height (- (cdr markup-extent) (car markup-extent)))
;; height of lower extender or X height, depending on direction
(if (> dir 0)
(* -1 (car markup-extent))
(cdr markup-extent)))
;; offset because staff-padding *below* staff is increased by 1
(direction-offset (if (> dir 0) 0 -1))
;; padding between slur and markup, based on both the min-padding
;; argument and the global mozart.markup-staff-padding option
(- (+ staff-padding 2)
;; necessary horizontal shift to center the markup against the slur
(hshift (- (interval-center (ly:stencil-extent stencil X))
(interval-center (ly:stencil-extent markup-stencil X))))
;; combined stencil from slur and text
(ly:stencil-combine-at-edge stencil Y dir
(ly:stencil-translate-axis markup-stencil hshift X)
;; enclose the *new* stencil by the modified Y-extent
;; NOTE: this only makes the whole thing *clickable*, it doesn't
;; help with pushing the staff towards the bottom of the page.
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'Y-extent
(if (> dir 0)
(car slur-extent)
(+ (car slur-extent) slur-height effective-padding markup-height))
(- (car slur-extent) effective-padding markup-height)
(cdr slur-extent))))
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil new-stencil)))
% NOTE: this is a slur-event, not a misplaced parenthesis

You would use it like

c'1 ^\annotatedSlur "My text" c' ) c' _\annotatedSlur 4 "My padded text" c' )

Urs Liska
2018-11-05 10:15:59 UTC
Post by Urs Liska
Hi Pablo,
Post by Pablo Cordal
Hi to everyone from Spain,
I have got a special need with lilypond. I need to add text to slurs
for educational purposes, I'm a music teacher and I'd like to add
information to musical phrases.
I have recently written a function (with extensive help from this
list) that should be exactly what you need. It places a markup
\version "2.19.82"
Oops, I'm sorry, there is some "private" code in here that prevents it
from compiling. At the very least you would have to replace the line
   (staff-padding (getOption '(mozart markup-staff-padding)))
with e.t.
   (staff-padding 3)

but if you don't want to have staff-padding (which is used to try
placing all markups on a common baseline) there would be more to change.

2018-11-08 15:00:23 UTC
Hi everyone!

I really have a special need with this function we have been talking about:

annotatedSlur =
#(define-music-function (parser location padding text) (number? markup?)
\once \override Slur.after-line-breaking =
#(lambda (grob)
((stencil (ly:slur::print grob))
(dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
(markup-stencil (grob-interpret-markup grob text))
(shift (- (interval-center (ly:stencil-extent stencil X))
(interval-center (ly:stencil-extent markup-stencil X))))
Y dir
(ly:stencil-translate-axis markup-stencil shift X)
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil new-stencil)))

The funcion works fine, but I think it would be even better if it could
receive another number. This number should move the text horizontally in the
slur- sometimes, the text collides with another element, and it would be
great to move it forward or backward a little.

Any master coder out there can help me with this please?

Thank you. Best regards

Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html
Urs Liska
2018-11-08 16:29:51 UTC
Post by pablocordal
Hi everyone!
annotatedSlur =
#(define-music-function (parser location padding text) (number? markup?)
\once \override Slur.after-line-breaking =
#(lambda (grob)
((stencil (ly:slur::print grob))
(dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
(markup-stencil (grob-interpret-markup grob text))
(shift (- (interval-center (ly:stencil-extent stencil X))
(interval-center (ly:stencil-extent markup-stencil X))))
Y dir
(ly:stencil-translate-axis markup-stencil shift X)
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil new-stencil)))
The funcion works fine, but I think it would be even better if it could
receive another number. This number should move the text horizontally in the
slur- sometimes, the text collides with another element, and it would be
great to move it forward or backward a little.
Any master coder out there can help me with this please?
annotatedSlur =
#(define-music-function (parser location padding hor-offset text)
(number? number? markup?)
     \once \override Slur.after-line-breaking =
     #(lambda (grob)
         ((stencil (ly:slur::print grob))
          (dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
          (markup-stencil (grob-interpret-markup grob text))
          (shift (+ hor-offset
                   (- (interval-center (ly:stencil-extent stencil X))
                   (interval-center (ly:stencil-extent markup-stencil
            Y dir
            (ly:stencil-translate-axis markup-stencil shift X)
         (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil new-stencil)))

  \annotatedSlur 2 1 "Here"
  c'1 ( d' )

But of course this means you have to use "0" everytime you do *not* need
the horizontal offset.

Post by pablocordal
Thank you. Best regards
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