Attaching images to posts
Andrew Bernard
2018-11-18 07:35:31 UTC
What is the approved and recommend way to attach images for small examples
to posts in this list?

In the past I have just made an attachment to the post, but it occurred to
me that may not be the best thing to do.

Gianmaria Lari
2018-11-18 09:47:55 UTC
Post by Andrew Bernard
What is the approved and recommend way to attach images for small examples
to posts in this list?
In the past I have just made an attachment to the post, but it occurred to
me that may not be the best thing to do.
There are different opinions about it.

I personally put the image near the text that explains the issue and I
avoid to simply attach the image to the email. Image and text near each
other makes more easy to understand the issue.

Of course there will be people that prefer attachemnt because it works with
pine etc. etc. So when asked I attach the picture.

Ciao, g.
David Wright
2018-11-18 20:01:31 UTC
Post by Gianmaria Lari
Post by Andrew Bernard
What is the approved and recommend way to attach images for small examples
to posts in this list?
In the past I have just made an attachment to the post, but it occurred to
me that may not be the best thing to do.
There are different opinions about it.
I personally put the image near the text that explains the issue and I
avoid to simply attach the image to the email. Image and text near each
other makes more easy to understand the issue.
Of course there will be people that prefer attachemnt because it works with
pine etc. etc. So when asked I attach the picture.
Well I don't know how you do it in your mailer, but your post at
certainly shows a very satisfactory way of attaching the images
inline. In the HTML, the images are referred to by their Content-ID:
but there's an alt= text which is displayed in the text version of the

In particular, though, the images themselves are included as top level
attachments, which means that they should be visible (or their presence
detected) by all:

I 1 <no description> [multipa/related, 7bit, 32K]
I 2 ├─><no description> [multipa/alternativ, 7bit, 3.9K]
I 3 │ ├─><no description> [text/plain, 7bit, utf-8, 1.0K]
I 4 │ └─><no description> [text/html, quoted, utf-8, 2.8K]
I 5 ├─>image.png [image/png, base64, 12K]
I 6 └─>image.png [image/png, base64, 15K]
I 7 <no description> [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K]

Thomas Morley
2018-11-18 10:07:16 UTC
Am So., 18. Nov. 2018 um 08:36 Uhr schrieb Andrew Bernard
What is the approved and recommend way to attach images for small examples to posts in this list?
In the past I have just made an attachment to the post,
Please continue to do so.
Speaking only for myself, frequently I don't see inline images here.
Sometimes there is some hint an image could be there, then I have to
look into the archives, which is tedious. Sometimes there is nothing
at all...

Though, I think I'm not the only one refusing to allow inline-images generally.
but it occurred to me that may not be the best thing to do.
Why do you think so?

Huge images shoul be uploaded elsewhere and then linked to anyway.

Aaron Hill
2018-11-18 13:12:53 UTC
Post by Thomas Morley
Post by Andrew Bernard
In the past I have just made an attachment to the post,
Please continue to do so.
Speaking only for myself, frequently I don't see inline images here.
Sometimes there is some hint an image could be there, then I have to
look into the archives, which is tedious. Sometimes there is nothing
at all...
Though, I think I'm not the only one refusing to allow inline-images generally.
You are not alone. I have my webmail client set to text-only email, so
I can usually only see images that are attachments. Linked images work
(like those from nabble), since the client shows the URL which I can
then open in a new tab.

However, inline images are hit-and-miss. When the email size is
obviously large enough that there is something more than just text but
no attachments are shown, it is likely the image was embedded in HTML.
My webmail client does offer an option to selectively switch a single
email to HTML. But this does not always work, forcing me to seek out
the email on the gnu.lists.org archive or nabble.

Given all that, it is my preference to only send emails as pure text
and, if needed, include small* attachments, since it has the highest
chance of being read by all clients out there. (* PNGs work very well
for music notation even at high DPI.)

The only gotcha I have found is that you need to be careful when
including LilyPond markup in the email. Quoting content from other
folks is done by using one or more greater-than signs at the beginning
of a line. However, LilyPond includes "<< >>" as part of its syntax. I
try to format the code to avoid the ">>" ever being at the beginning of
a line, otherwise mail clients (like mine) will misinterpret it as a

-- Aaron Hill
Roland Goretzki
2018-11-18 12:43:10 UTC
Hello Harm,
Post by Thomas Morley
Am So., 18. Nov. 2018 um 08:36 Uhr schrieb Andrew Bernard
Post by Andrew Bernard
In the past I have just made an attachment to the post,
Please continue to do so.
Speaking only for myself, frequently I don't see inline images here.
Me to.
So, YES: Please continue to do so.

Best regards
David Kastrup
2018-11-18 16:27:23 UTC
Post by Roland Goretzki
Hello Harm,
Post by Thomas Morley
Am So., 18. Nov. 2018 um 08:36 Uhr schrieb Andrew Bernard
Post by Andrew Bernard
In the past I have just made an attachment to the post,
Please continue to do so.
Speaking only for myself, frequently I don't see inline images here.
Me to.
So, YES: Please continue to do so.
One can have a MIME attachment with a disposition to be displayed
inline. That works even in clients preferring text over HTML since the
images are not in HTML parts but interspersed as MIME. Stuff working
via HTML parts or even as mail backgrounds have quite less of a chance
to be more or less universally recognized and displayed.
David Kastrup
David Wright
2018-11-18 20:02:20 UTC
Post by David Kastrup
Post by Thomas Morley
Post by Andrew Bernard
In the past I have just made an attachment to the post,
Please continue to do so.
Speaking only for myself, frequently I don't see inline images here.
One can have a MIME attachment with a disposition to be displayed
inline. That works even in clients preferring text over HTML since the
images are not in HTML parts but interspersed as MIME. Stuff working
via HTML parts or even as mail backgrounds have quite less of a chance
to be more or less universally recognized and displayed.
But some people here don't seem to recognise the different methods
even where both are available in their mailer. For example, both these
post structures have been sent to this list using Apple Mail (2.3445.8.2).
The first one produces "invisible" images that a text-only reader will
know nothing about; the second is satisfactory for readers, but the
poster might have been forced to eschew HTML to achieve this.

I 1 <no description> [multipa/alternativ, 7bit, 26K]
I 2 ├─><no description> [text/plain, quoted, us-ascii, 1.2K] ←
I 3 └─><no description> [multipa/related, 7bit, 24K]
I 4 ├─><no description> [text/html, quoted, us-ascii, 3.7K] x
I 5 ├─>PastedGraphic-2.png [image/png, base64, 5.6K] x
I 6 └─>Repeat question.png [image/png, base64, 14K] x
I 7 <no description> [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K] ←

I 1 <no description> [text/plain, quoted, utf-8, 0.4K] ←
I 2 MuseScoreOK.png [image/png, base64, 29K] ⇦
I 3 <no description> [text/plain, quoted, us-ascii, 0.2K] ←
I 4 FinaleOK.png [image/png, base64, 323K] ⇦
I 5 <no description> [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K] ←
I 6 PastedGraphic-3.png [image/png, base64, 7.6K] ⇦
I 7 <no description> [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K] ←
A 8 45d-Repeats-Nested-Alternatives.xml [applica/xml, 7bit, 5.9K] ⬅
I 9 <no description> [text/plain, quoted, utf-8, 1.5K] ←
I 10 <no description> [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K] ←

← text can be read
⇦ existence can be observed
⬅ attachment can be saved
x invisible


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